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Saturday, April 16, 2011

Accentuate the Positive – Eliminate the Negative

Every great accomplishment begins with a positive attitude. The Bible teaches that we all have gifts, and each of us has much to offer. But if we’re not careful, a negative attitude could keep us from even trying to accomplish anything.

When you think of great accomplishments in the Bible, Moses probably comes to mind. He is also a good example of someone who had to get over his own negative attitude before God could use him. 

When God wanted to lead His people out of Egyptian slavery, He chose Moses as the leader. Exodus 3-4 tells the story of his burning bush experience. When he realized God wanted him to lead Israel out of Egypt, Moses asked God, Who am I that I should go before Pharaoh…?”  God assured Moses that he would be with him.

Then Moses argued with God that no one would listen, and that the people of Israel wouldn’t accept him. He said, (paraphrasing) “Suppose they ask…Who died and put you in charge?”  He told Moses to say "I AM" has sent me.
Next Moses worried out loud, “What if they don’t believe me?” 

In response, God asked Moses a question, "What is that in your hand?"  He wanted to build Moses confidence so he could believe in himself as a leader.

Moses answered, "It's just a rod." Moses was right, it was just a stick.

To this argument, God gave him a visual aid to prove that Moses had God’s power at his disposal. He could do miracles! When Moses threw it on the ground at God’s command, it became a serpent, and turned back into a stick when he took up the serpent by the tail.

The power behind this miracle was Moses’ faith in God's power, not in the stick. He would later stretch that same stick out over the Red Sea in obedience to God’s command, parting the waters and allowing millions of people to pass through on dry ground to safety. 

Remarkably, Moses offered another argument: "I’m not eloquent.” God reminded Moses that it was He who made man’s mouth, and promised, “Now go; I will help you speak and teach you what to say.”

With one final argument, Moses begged God to “…please send someone else to do it.”

Can you imagine God’s exasperation! The Bible tells us He was angry, and with every right to be.

The Turning Point

Someone has said that our greatest ability is availability. God was trying to get Moses to offer himself. Finally it registered, Moses relented, and began ACTING instead of ARGUING. When God turned Moses’ negatives into positives, his confidence grew, and he became one of the greatest leaders of all time.
Moses saw only his shortcomings, and had at least six good negatives:

·         He felt he was a Nobody.
·         He feared rejection from his peers
·         He didn’t get it that he had power and authority under God.
·         He believed he had nothing to offer.
·         He was afraid to speak in public.
·         He knew others who were more qualified than he was.

God accentuated the positives, and eliminated the negatives:

·         God said, I am Somebody, and I will be with you.
·         God emphasized that they would not reject the “I AM” who sent him.
·         God gave Moses almost unlimited power and authority.
·         God chose to use the one thing Moses had to offer - himself.
·         God gave him Aaron as his mouthpiece, the equivalent of a press secretary.
·         God Himself equipped and qualified  him.

So now, take a look at your hands, and imagine that God is asking you, “What is that in your hand?” If nothing comes to mind, ask God to show you what small, simple thing you have that God can use to achieve great results for him.

Here are at least five things you can do with your hands:

1.     Fold them in idleness
2.     Wring them in despair
3.     Clench them in anger
4.     Surrender them to God for His use and glory
5.     Use them to help others

That’s what I think – now, tell me what you think!

1 comment:

  1. Amen, sister. Hope this gets read by many people - laymen and leaders, parents and kids. Powerful and simple and practical for us and our nation RIGHT NOW.
