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Friday, January 21, 2011

Roe v Wade versus Common Sense and Morality

January 22, 2011, marks the 38th anniversary of the landmark Supreme Court decision Roe versus Wade. This ruling was based on the due process clause of the 14th Amendment to the US Constitution, an amendment that was added nearly 100 years earlier to guarantee a right to privacy in contracts. The Court decided that contract privacy extended to a woman's decision to have an abortion, a contract she makes with a doctor. The right to an abortion is granted up to the time of viability, the time at which a baby can live outside the womb.

Ironically, this same 14th Amendment says, "...nor shall any State deprive any person of life..." All the legalese is ridiculous since everyone who is honest with himself knows that the baby is already a person. Even without the issues of morality and legal rights, science has shown that a baby in the womb can feel pain, cry, and respond to stimuli long before the usual age of viability, 28 week or seven months into the pregnancy.

Common sense is all we need to determine that abortion is murder. But if common sense does not prevail, we can look to God's Word for the answer. Psalm 139:13-14 says: "For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother's womb. I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made, your works are wonderful, I know that full well." (NIV)

God said He decided to make Jeremiah a prophet before he was even born: "Before I formed you in the womb, I knew you, before you were born I set you apart. I appointed you as a prophet to the nations." Jeremiah 1:5

When Jesus' mother Mary entered the home of Elisabeth and greeted her, the baby John the Baptist responded to her voice: " As soon as the sound of your greeting reached my ears, the baby in my womb leaped for joy." Luke 1:44

My heart goes out to young women who are pregnant and alone. Still, I cannot fathom anything worse than the guilt a mother must feel knowing she has participated in killing her own child. I have read that this guilt plagues her for her entire life and is relived yearly on that date.

The recent news of the abortionist in Philadelphia charged with Infanticide - murdering eight babies who lived through his grisly acts - should remind us that every abortion, legal or illegal, is murder. This doctor and others like him have killed more than 35 million babies since Roe v Wade became the law of the land. May God have mercy on a nation that throws our children away like so much medical waste.

Abraham Lincoln said, "Nothing stamped with the Divine image and likeness was sent into the world to be trodden its fellows." Who among us would be arrogant enough to set him/herself up to decide who should live and who is unworthy of life?

That's what I think...what do you think?


  1. Amen! Thanks for the great post! I too was saddened when I read the news of the "doctor" in Philadelphia and the lives he took. But, I have hope that just like it took the civil rights movement years to change unfair and hurtful laws, we too can push back Roe v. Wade and make sure everyone has the right to life and liberty! I look forward to future blogs! God bless,

    Ryan Fowler

  2. Powerful reminder of the sanctity of life, granted by God Himself. Our one consolation is that every one of those precious lives are already in heaven, their first breaths being celestial air!

    So glad you're doing a blog, Judy. Welcome to the blogosphere!

  3. I was conceived when my mom was 19 and single. Others tried to convince her to abort. Praise the Lord she ignored the pressure. I hope and pray I can live a life that makes it evident to even unbelievers that abortion doesn't just take a life but it also robs this world of people that might make a difference. What if MLK or Abraham Lincoln had been aborted? This world would be a different place.


  4. So true on everything you said. Spiritually, common sense, etc. are all spot on! BUT throwing all that out for a second and just purely from a non-spiritual point of view? Those 35 million wage earners, consumers and people who would be paying into social security would certainly help an America in economic crisis. Our government has already spent money paid into SS, and now we have the largest generation in American history living longer than ever, and we told them that they would be supported in their golden years by the government that already spent their money. B/c of Roe V Wade, we are missing around 10+% of our country's younger population. Sow the wind, reap the whirlwind. Just sayin'... Randy

  5. Great post - as Ronald Reagan pointed out, All the people who are in favor of abortion have already been given the gift of life.

    I'll look forward to reading more of your blogs.
